A bouquet of roses to my lovely wife! The bouquet of flowers here was the
first I ever gave to a woman. And I know I could not have chosen
a better moment and woman !
Now this is what my wife has to say about this picture :
"As soon as I saw this picture,
I can only see it as our Wedding Picture....sorrie hunnie..but..isn't this
what every gurl dreamed of? ...K, hunnie,
I dun mean to be pushy, but I really dun mind if you want
to give me a plain and simple wedding band..hee
hee..but I really dun mind also to say "Yes", it's just
that gee...you didn't ask me the big Question..hee
hee..oh hun? Am I joking here? ;-P oh, oh..."

Oh nope! The kid here is not ours! Hehehe... she's just one of my cousin
sisters. But hopefully we'll have a few kids of our own in the future.
*What do you think honey?? I'm sure you will make a wonderful mother..Hehee*
Now here she is again *duh...yawnnnn....* (hehee...just joking! Just joking!
It's just that I can't wait for you to comment again! Hehee...) :
"Oh dear me dahhlingg, was it two
gurls and one boy you wanted or two boys and a gurl? hmmm..."

Our love for each other is still at infant stage and growing. It can only
stronger and just like these flowers it will keep growing and never die...

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